Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Modest maxim

1. It is short to say that you are long, and you know that you are short. —— Shenju郧

2. Modesty is not the so-called modesty. It is only superficially accepting people's opinions. It is not without arguments and criticisms. It blurs the line between right and wrong and truth, and must maintain its own political position. When you have not yet understood the opinions of others. Not blindly. —— Xu Te Li

3. One minute and one second is complacent. In this minute and a second, I stop my life and excretion. Only by accepting criticism can we excrete all the scum of the spirit. Only by absorbing the opinions of others can you add spiritual new nourishment. —— Xu Te Li

4. The true humility is that you have no prejudice, that your mind is completely liberated, that you are not bound by anything, that you should adopt a pragmatic attitude toward everything, and that the specific analysis of the situation should be considered in any aspect, and you should not listen to it. —— Deng Tuo

5. In order to completely prevent and overcome the subjective elements of different levels of thought, we only have to ask ourselves to maintain true humility when we encounter things. —— Deng Tuo

6. The enemies of learning are their own satisfaction. To learn something seriously, you must start from complacency. For ourselves, "learning is not tired", for others, "deaf people are tireless", we should take this attitude. —— Mao Zedong

7. My motto is: People must not be proud, but they must not be proud. —— Xu Beihong

8. Drilling is not enough, but humility comes from knowing. Hypocritical modesty can only win vulgar applause, but cannot make real progress. —— Hua Luogeng

9. What I am going to do is to reach out and harvest the crops that others have planted for me. —— Goethe

10. Modest students cherish the truth and don't care about their personal praise: the first thing that a modest student thinks is to show off the praise that the individual has received and to be indifferent to the truth. The history of thoughts shows that modesty is almost always proportional to the talents of students, and not modest is inversely proportional. —— Plekhanov

11. Never think that you know everything at all times. —— Pavlov

12. The ruler is short; the inch is long. There is something wrong; wisdom is unknown. —— Qu Yuan

13. High standards are often lacking and full of worry. —— Jian Wendi

14. The pros are absent and the deaf are vulnerable. The song of "Yangchun", and the widows, under the prestigious name, is actually difficult. —— Fan Wei

15. You can't be long, you can't be long, you can't be happy, you can't be full. —— Wei Zheng

16. Insufficient work, lack of responsibility, and insufficient. —— Song Wei

17. Short and unprotectable, short-term protection is short; long is not to be embarrassed, but not long. —— Nie Danian

18. Ah! It’s boring to praise it, out of your mouth! —— Montesquieu

19. No one of our various habits is as difficult as overcoming pride. Although it is hard to hide it, overcome it and destroy it, but in any case, it is still unconsciously revealed. —— Franklin

20. Those who know little about things are not modest; those who know more and have the skills must be modest. —— Xie Juezhen

21. If you are brave, you will be foolish. -- Su Shi

22. When I have counted many of the wonderful creations that humans have invented in art and literature, and then reviewing my knowledge, I feel that I am simply superficial. —— Galileo

23. When the people present here have stopped talking, they have the opportunity to humbly ask questions and learn from others. —— John Locke

24. If you are not modest, you can only argue that lack of modesty is lack of knowledge. —— Franklin

25. Do something good, treat others with kindness and generosity; in short, use your modesty to avoid bad luck. - Balzac

26. A true scientist cannot be modest, because the more he does, the more clearly he sees it: there are more things that have not been done. - Francis

27. Modesty is only honest to a talented person, and a hypocrisy to a talented person. ——Schopenhauer

28. Modesty is the highest self-denial. - Shakespeare

29. When you realize that you are a modest person, you are not a modest person right away. --Leo Tolstoy

30. When the false humility comes out, the true humility will die out in time. --Mark Twain

31. Don't be humble to those who are proud, and don't be proud of those who are humble. ——Jefferson

32. When we are greatly humble, it is when we are in great times. - Tagore

33. Those who know half of the solution are not modest; those who know more and have the skills must be modest. ——Xie Juezhen

34. A person who truly knows himself cannot be modest. Modesty makes the heart shrink, like a small stone egg, although small, and extremely strong. Being strong can be honest. - Lao She

35. Hypocritical modesty can only win vulgar applause, but cannot make real progress. - Hua Luogeng

36. Don't be convinced that people who are overly modest, especially when the other person poses a satire on himself, can't believe it. Because, behind this modesty, 80% hides a strong vanity and fame. - Hiller

37. The history of thoughts shows that modesty is almost always proportional to the talents of scholars, and not modest is inversely proportional. - Plekhanov

38. Being able to accept the opinions of others with humility can be open-minded to ask others to gather ideas. - Matsushita Yukisuke

39. Great people will never abuse their own merits. They see themselves crossing other people's places and realize this, but they will never be humble. - Lu Ling

40. Only strong talents are modest. ——Herzen

41. Humility is based on strength, and pride is based on incompetence. - Nietzsche

42. Dissatisfaction with oneself is one of the fundamental characteristics of any truly talented person. - Chekhov

43. Self-respect is nothing more than a mask of ignorance. - Voltaire

44. Jiu Niu boasted that he would be overturned with pride. I have seen many things in ancient and modern times. —— Chen Yi

45. Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel. —— Lu Xun

46. ​​If you are modest and self-confident, you will be attached to the public; if you are arrogant and arrogant, you will go there more. —— Ge Hong

47. The greatness of the country, the people of the people, the desire to see the enemy, the arrogant. —— Wei Xiang

48. The liberation is not enough, and the fullness will be devastating. —— Zhang Wei

49. The virtual self has entered the foundation of virtue. —— Fang Xiaoyu

50. Those who are full of profit, do not lose what is it? Shen Zhi! Shen Zhi! —— Zhu Xishui

51. A serious illness is just a word of pride. —— Wang Yangming

52. If you are not arrogant, you can learn from others. —— Tan Yitong

53. The stupidity of life is that the bad news has passed, and the evil of life is a good talk. —— Shenju郧

54. Fullness is easy to be a disaster, and humility is always blessed. —— Zhang Tingyu

55. Pride and complacency is a terrible trap for us; and, this trap is our own hands. —— Lao She

56. It is the norm of a mediocre and militant person to go out with his head and go home with his tail. —— Feng Xuefeng

57. We don't want to have our eyes on our heads, so we use our own feet to break down what we think of in heaven. —— Feng Xuefeng

58. Being open-minded makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind, and we should always remember this truth. —— Mao Zedong

59. We can't have achievements, just like a ball, others can't shoot, and when they take a shot, they jump high. The greater the score, the more modest and prudent. —— Wang Jinxi

60. I am a bit skeptical about the word "pride." Anyone who is a bit motivated and a little capable, he always believes in himself, is a bit of a person. The more assertive people, the more confident they are. This is not bad. I am a little proud. If I put it in a proper position, he will be humble, or he will not be able to mix. - Deng Xiaoping

61. A proud person always destroys himself in pride. —— Shakespeare

62. Most people who owe their fortunes to their intelligence and ingenuity are unfortunate. —— Bacon

63. Modesty is an indispensable character. —— Montesquieu

64. A young bud and a bud, this is the most precious virtue, the mother of all morality, this is humility; with this virtue we will have fun. ——Gardos

65. Caution is much more powerful than boldness. —— Hugo

66. Don't be exaggerated. It’s better to say nothing than to say too much. -- Leo Tolstoy

67. The first condition of success is true humility, and all prejudice against oneself, as long as it sees conflict with the truth, is willing to give up. —— Spencer

68. Regardless of how big our achievements are, we still have to be soberly estimated about the strength of the enemy, to be vigilant, and to never allow arrogance, self-sufficiency and negligence in our ranks. —— Stalin

69. The greatest pride in the greatest inferiority means that the soul is the weakest. —— Spinoza

70. It is not appropriate to be arrogant. —— Zhuge Liang

71. Pride is a person. If you win me, you will be jealous. If you don't know me, you will be arrogant. —— Shenju郧

72. A modest reputation, a modest person, should guard against fraud. —— Zhu Xi

73. A proud person likes to see someone who is attached to him or a person who flatters him, and hates to see noble people. ...and these people fooled him, catered to his weak heart, and made him a madman from a fool. —— Spinoza

74. A proud person is bound to be jealous. He is most reluctant to hate those who are most praised by virtue. —— Spinoza

75. Too low to look at yourself because of pain is inferiority. —— Spinoza

76. Although self-esteem is opposed to pride, it is actually the closest to pride. —— Spinoza

77. Obviously, pride and humility are exactly the opposite, but they have the same object. This object is the self. —— Hume

78. I first ask the kings to trust science, believe in reason, trust themselves, and believe in themselves. —— Hegel

79. It is not good to be humble and respectful. It is not good to respect oneself and be humble. —— Xu Te Li

80. Anyone should have self-respect, self-confidence, independence, or be a slave. But self-esteem is not a light person, self-confidence is not complacent, and independence is not an arc. —— Xu Te Li

81. No matter what others are when they are alone or when they are alone, they don't have to do something despicable: the most important thing is self-esteem. —— Pythagoras

82. There are two kinds of bad manners: the first is shyness; the second is misconduct and scorn;

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