Inspirational story

Hui is not like crazy

I have seen a very smart young man with a high degree of education and a master's degree abroad. He was once one of my favorite future candidates, but this has never been possible. He can do anything quickly, and he can stand up quickly. But the problem is that just getting familiar with one thing, he began to think about the next position, his expectations and requirements, always faster than the supervisor. Based on the cultivation of talents, many times I also promoted and promoted according to his wishes. Even if I once blamed myself, was it that my reaction was so slow that I let a promising young man waste too much time and bury his talent. So I paid close attention to his movements, so as not to make mistakes again, and he was asked to open his mouth first, and fell into the back hand.

The conclusion is that he is still more anxious than me, faster than me, and my care still can't keep up with his eager desire. In the end, I have to admit that he is too smart, smart to be in the organization, it is difficult to have a position for him, I have to give up this young man who favors me.

He embarked on the road to entrepreneurship, with his cleverness, and soon had a small pattern of results, with a small amount of profit every year, enough to make him feel at ease. But since then he has faced bottlenecks and it is difficult to break through. If you want to do bigger things, it is not enough to rely on cleverness, but also determination, perseverance, tolerance, courage, and many of these qualities are what he lacks.

I can only be a pity for him. A good piece of material, just because it is too smart, smart enough to calculate everything, must use the fastest and easiest way to do things, expect quick, expect short-term, lack of "infatuation" With "stupid", he is trapped in the "comfortable" mud, with small achievements, difficult to become a big pattern.

This reminds me of a sentence from Mr. Wang Yiding, a senior financial person in Taiwan. He often recites “a woman who is not as good as a man”. If the gender is removed, this sentence is the best note in this case. Anyone "hui" is not as good as "idiot", Hui Yi is a thing, but it is difficult to become a big event; it is like being dull, but tireless, bit by bit, and finally can achieve extraordinary performance.

If you are an "idiot" person, the stupid person has no way to go, can only work hard, no need to say anything. The problem is that there are few people in the society who are "idiots". Most of them are smart people. Smart people are good at calculating and thinking. The small abacus is played every day and every time. If you have a little difficulty, you will not do it. If you have a setback, you will give up. Looking back, I have no intention in the long run, and the result is that Xiaocheng can also be a big event.

The best thought is that whether you are a smart person or an idiot, you often leave a little "infatuation" for yourself, deliberately doing something that looks stupid, and wants to be longer and think farther. Don't calculate the accuracy so much, deliberately find some hard and difficult things to do, deliberately find something that needs to be adventurous. Then use your determination to test your abilities, inspire your persistence, temper your attachment, and achieve your patience. Let the results fill your sweat and tears. This is another experience.

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