Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Love life motto

1. The power of love is peace, regardless of reason, rules and honors, it can make all fear, shock and pain become sweet when you are

2. ●The god of love plays a silent melody, far more pleasant than the instrument

3. ●What is love? Love is the treasure of nature, the treasure house of joy, the greatest pleasure, the blessing that never makes people sick.

4. ● Love is not only colorful but also pleasing to the eye

5. ● Love is the nature of life, just like the sun is shining; it is the most comfortable and natural use of the human soul; without it, people are obscured and sad. Those who have not enjoyed the joy of life are tantamount to living a lifetime and suffering.

6. It is impossible to "love" someone or something you are absolutely familiar with. Love is always directed to places where secrets are hidden

7. ● The secret of the lover cannot be called by the other party.

8. Love cannot be measured by common sense

9. ● Pursue love, it flies high, escapes love, it follows

10. Love is in a hurry, and it’s fast.

11. Hot love, cold too fast

12. Fanatic love is never going to last.

13. Love is easy to believe

14. The love of a young woman is like Jack's bean pole. It grows fast and can enter the sky overnight.

15. Sudden love takes the longest time to heal

16. Don't fall in love at first sight

17. Love at first sight is the only sincere love; it is not a little hesitant----

18. No one has true love, only love at first sight.

19. Love at first sight has been around since ancient times, no need to explain

20. Love often begins with a glance at the head

21. Love makes people blind and blind

22. The eyes of lovers are more than the eyes of owls.

23. The eyes of those who fall in love are all awkward.

24. Love is blind, lovers can't see the stupid things they do ---

25. Love confuses the concept of right and wrong; strong love and pride are not borders.

26. In the eyes of lovers, the people he loves are always unique.

27. The blindfolded god of love can accurately enter the soul of the lover.

28. When love fails, everything is found

29. The feelings are weak, and everything is not pleasing to the eye.

30. Love and hatred, both are blind

31. Love exists in the desire to give, and regards the happiness of lovers as their own happiness---

32. Love is not a request, but a giving

33. Love gives everything but is still rich

34. Love is not just walking side by side in the moonlight, but also walking hand in hand in the storm.

35. Love pays, and labor is easy

36. The sweetest is love, the most bitter is love.

37. If there is no wisdom in my life, it will only be eclipsed; if there is no love in my life, it will be destroyed.

38. Love is the salt of life

39. Everything you do for love at any time will not be wasted

40. Fear of love means fear of life, and those who fear life are half a zombie---

41. What is life without love? It is a long night without dawn!

42. Life is for love; love is the principle of life and the only purpose---

43. Life without love is called sin

44. Life is flower, love is honey

45. No sunshine, no fragrance, no love, no sweetness

46. ​​What is more beautiful than love between the two sexes?

47. The joy of love is in love, and enjoying love is more pleasing than evoking love----

48. Love is the second sun in nature

49. Love is the strongest tenderness

50. Love has a thousand touching strings and different notes.

51. Eros can conquer everything, we still give in to God.

52. Love is love and promotes the development of the world.

53. There is no rope that can be pulled more than the twin-twisted wire twisted by love.

54. I tell you that the love of God is the second sun of all things. Wherever he shines, where will it be spring?

55. Love makes all people become eloquent. This is absolutely correct.

56. Water will be lost, fire will be extinguished, and love can compete with fate---

57. Love, only love, can make people dare to sacrifice their lives for their loved ones; this is not only for men but also for women.

58. Love has a magical power that makes one person dumped for another person---

59. The water in the fountain is not dead, the fire of love is not extinguished.

60. Love makes obedience easy

61. Once you really need love, you will find that it is waiting for you

62. When a person really loves, he even thinks that he is loving each other.

63. Whoever says "I don't love", who is in love

64. Love is unconstrained; once the system wants to be arrogant, the god of love will fly away; the god of love is as free as other gods.

65. Love has no specific rules

66. Love is not about the law

67. Whoever gets the love according to the rules will not get love

68. Love has no rules and should not be conditional

69. It is not feasible to give orders to love.

70. Love is free, and free love is the most real.

71. Love will find its way out

72. As long as men and women truly love each other, even if they are not married, they are still sweet----

73. The joy and pain in love are alternating

74. The pain of lovers looking for joy and love from pain is sweeter than all other joys.

75. The joy of love is mixed with tears

76. The mud in love can offset a lot of bitterness, which is the total reputation for love----

77. The bitterness and joy in love are always fighting each other.

78. Love with tears is the most touching

79. The initial coldness will make the future love more intense.

80. The object of love is both a disease and a medicine, which makes the disease relieve or exacerbate ---

81. Love is to endure pain, love is to cause pain

82. Love is gentle, but it is as thorny as a thorn

83. There is no cure for a cure for love trauma.

84. Love is a lovely embarrassing government, and lovers are tortured by it.

85. Love is sweet and then sour

86. Where is the kindness? Is it relatively silent?

87. The deeper its love, the more its words

88. Love is buried deep in the heart, not between lips.

89. Love does not need to be a medium, and it’s all in the heart.

90. True love cannot be expressed in words, and behavior is the best illustration of loyalty ---

91. Smart people love much, say less

92. Those who can say their love to the sky are actually not deeply loved -----

93. Spiritual communication does not require language. Only two hearts full of love will do.----

94. If the lover’s eyes lose their brilliance, the flowers in their hearts must wither

95. Prove that love uses facts, not sensible

96. Pre-emptive love in love and war is a natural love and war are unscrupulous

97. In the love field and the battlefield, it is unobjectionable that love and cough are unstoppable.

98. Love is as obscure as the red operator.

99. Love is like exposure to murder.

100. Love is harder to hide than homicide; the night of love has noon sun----

101. Love is not a heart to strike another heart, but a spark that two hearts collide together.

102. Love, always mutual

103. If you love someone, you must love Ossenus.) Love is also love.

104. Love must be repaid with love

105. Love can only be repaid with love.

106. The only gift that love needs is love.

107. Loyalty is the safe port of love

108. The flame of love needs to constantly add loyal dry wood

109. If a man’s love is not specific, he will be happy with any woman----

110. Trees that often shift in value, rarely grow lush

111. The inferiority of the inferiority, the spoiled wife does not go down the church

112. If we don’t overdo it, it means we don’t love enough.

113. Love is always hidden in a gentle heart.

114. Among all kinds of caution, love may be the most detrimental to real happiness---

115. I fell in love with an hour, and I lived a lifetime for a lifetime----

116. You should not be too picky when you are fancy, because love is not made under a magnifying glass ---

117. Picky is killing love; everything can't be too picky

118. Can't forgive people can't love it.

119. Even if you have any faults, I still love you.

120. There is no fault in the eyes of lovers.

121. In the eyes of mortals, Eros can see the beauty from it.

122. To love is to use the heart to identify the like-mindedness is the basis of love

123. I only wish to kiss my favorite people.

124. Mutual trust is the root of happiness

125. Suspicion is that an axe on the tree of love lacks food and wine, and love is cold.

126. When you are hungry, no one will think of kissing.

127. When poverty comes in from the door, love slips away from the window.

128. When poverty comes in from the door, love slips away from the window.

129. When the burning of passion is exhausted, the cold winter is coming, the passionate can replace the flame to warm, and the autumn wave can replace the food to fill the hunger?

130. For love, no money to marry, night to entertain, daytime remorse

131. With money, love can last for a long time.

132. Whose love palace is to lay the foundation with virtue, build walls with wealth, use beautiful light, use glory to top, who is the happiest person

133. Taking away leisure, Cupid’s arrow will break.

134. Love the sea, not to bury the man's body; gentle township, Ying Ying old burial king bone.

135. Love takes me to this side, but reason has to pull me over there.

136. Properly controlling love with reason, there is no harm, no madness, no abuse, no disadvantages

137. Love and wisdom cannot be both

138. The bud of love is the end of wisdom

139. Friendship has many names, but once there is youth and beauty involved, friendship is called love and is turned into the most beautiful angel.

140. Love requires far less than friendship

141. What is love? One body and two hearts; What is friendship? Two bodies and one heart---

142. Friendship is a selfless exchange between two equals; love is a humble communication between a tyrant and a slave.

144. Love enters, friendship ends

145. Some flowers are beautiful but not fragrant, some women are beautiful but not cute---

146. A noble woman pays more attention to the man’s heart than to his appearance.

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